The C-OPS (Compact-Optical Profiling System) is a radiometer system for determining apparent optical properties in aquatic systems. It consists of two 7 cm diameter radiometers: one measuring in-water downward irradiance, and the other either upwelling radiance or upward irradiance, as well as pressure/depth, water temperature, and dual-axes tilt. Both radiometers are equipped with up to 19 optical-filter microradiometers (selected from 29 different wavelengths) and are mounted on a unique free-fall, kite-like backplane. To avoid influences from the shadow of a boat or dock, the backplane can be optimized for either slow descent rates for work in very shallow (e.g., 3 m) and coastal waters, or fast descent rates for observations in the open ocean. C-OPS is so lightweight it can be hand deployed by almost anyone, and the system can be operated from either small or large vessels. An above-water surface reference instrument is also available to measure global irradiance.
Complete, integrated system for measuring radiometric variables in coastal waters with submersible and above-water instrumentation (for both turbid coastal and clear oceanic waters)
Submersible instruments are optimized for measuring vertical profiles of radiance and irradiance in aquatic systems
Radiometrically matching surface reference system
Based on microradiometer technology with 10 decades of dynamic range
Rapid sampling rates, 15 data frames per second from up to 4 instruments, simultaneously
Free-fall descents with very slow descent rates and adjustable buoyancy
UV capable with optical wavebands down to 305 nm
Ideal for ocean color, satellite calibration and validation, and shallow or deep water research
Highlighted in NASA’s Ocean Ecology Science Research Portal in the Instrument Development section.
Information on the design and deployment the C-OPS system are detailed in Chapter 4 in the NASA Technical Memorandum "Advances in Measuring the Apparent Optical Properties (AOPs) of Optically Complex Waters," NASA Tech. Memo. 2010–215856
C-OPS can be customized to fit your specific needs, including the following special configurations:
C-PrOPS ROV: The addition of a Compact-Propulsion Option for Profiling Systems allows a C-OPS profiler to be maneuvered similarly to a remotely operated vehicle, allowing the system to be dynamically positioned away from a boat or shoreline and into the desired sampling location.
ICE-Pro is a C-OPS deployment package designed for aquatic measurements though and under an ice pack.