Featured Sensor: MPE-PAR

The MPE-PAR (MICRO Class, Profiling (in-water), E (irradiance) PAR sensor) is a fifth-generation sensor that is sensitive over the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) spectral range (400-700 nm). The MPE-PAR has been optimized for OEM integration into autonomous platforms such as gliders and Argo profiling floats and features low mass and low power consumption. . It uses the same microradiometer technology as BSI’s high-end multi-channel radiometers and combines their impressive dynamic range of 10 orders of magnitude and excellent signal-to-noise ratio with the proven performance and ruggedness of BSI’s line of Q-Series PAR sensors. It features an acrylic irradiance collector with a cosine-response optimized for use underwater to a depth of up to 2,000 meters (7500m “HP” version is available), as well as a digital output, which allows simplified integration with third party systems. The PAR spectral response is shaped by a combination of absorbing glass and custom dichroic filters for accurately covering the PAR spectral region with a flat quantum response while blocking unwanted out-of-band radiation. The MPE compliments a selection of BSI’s scalar sensors which also feature digital or analog-linear outputs.

Other MICRO class sensor options include the MPS-PAR (MICRO Class, Profiling (in-water), S (scalar irradiance) PAR sensor), and the MLS-PAR (MICRO Class, Laboratory (in-water or in air), S (scalar irradiance) PAR sensor).

Impressive dynamic range of ~10 orders of magnitude enabled by a 24-bit ADC and a three-gain amplifier.

Low detection limit of ~2.5x10-10 μE cm-2 s-1 in water; no saturation in full sunlight.

Optimized for profiling applications to depths of 2,000 m.

Low power consumption (4.6 mA at 7 V).

Sensor temperature available in the data stream.

Fast sampling: rates of up to 250 Hz under certain conditions; time constant less than than 0.01s.

Options for networking multiple sensors.

Binary, Hexadecimal, or ASCII text output for easy integration with a variety of data acquisition systems

Adaptable for gliders, NKE profiling floats, BGC Argo floats, Teledyne Webb, and iRobot gliders. Custom systems can be developed.

QCP-2150 emulation mode to enable use as a replacement to extend the dynamic range of PAR measurements in legacy CTD applications.

Also available in various 10 nm wide channels from 395–1000 nm. Consult Biospherical Instruments for custom sensors, including available wavebands below 395 nm.

MPE-PAR Radiometer
MPE-PAR Radiometer
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